What You Feel, You Heal

Street Art, Paris

What do you supress and why? What’s holding you back? What’s standing in the way of your true expression? Is it shame, guilt or fear? What’s the worst thing that could happen if you show the world your true colours? How other people will react, if you speak your mind? If you express your feelings?

For many years, self-love for me equalled self-work. I thought that if I tried hard enough, I’d be better and would love myself more. But this is not love. Love is all encompassing, love is pure presence and the ability to be with what is alive in you here and now, both your light and your shadow.

Love has no expectations. Love is nurturing and full of compassion. She doesn’t judge, instead she offers support. Easier said than done. Society trained us that we should be less like this and more like that, that certain behaviours, ideas or feelings were bad. Hence, we supressed them. Why? Cause as children we needed attachment. We needed our parents to support us, to feed us, to love us. In their own, imperfect way.

We scarified our authenticity. We chose attachment over being true to ourselves. We silenced anything that we thought our parents (or any other significant adults in our live) did not accept. We tried so hard to fit in. We disconnected from our bodies and our hearts.

This was a healthy and valid choice. It helped us to survive, to be fed, loved and supported, we could not do differently, we did our best. And so did our parents. This is not about blame, shame or guilt. This is an opportunity to reconnect with our inner children, offer them love and let them express all these intense feelings they weren’t able to externalise.

Now’s the time. How long will you stay away from yourself? How long will you repeat same vicious unconscious cycles of your childhood trauma? I resonate with the below quote:

“Trauma is a psychic wound that hardens you psychologically and then interferes with your ability to grow and develop. It pains you and now you’re acting out of pain. It induces fear and now you’re acting out of fear. Trauma is not what happens to you, it’s what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you. Trauma is that scarring that makes you less flexible, more rigid, less feeling and more defended.”

Gabor Maté

One of the misconceptions about trauma is that it only happens to others, or that it needs to be really serious, like sexual abuse, physical violence or that it only originates in profoundly dysfunctional families or environments (addictions, war zones, etc.). Yes, this is all trauma, but trauma is also a lot more.

Recently I watched a documentary called “The Wisdom of Trauma” and I loved it! It featured people suffering from trauma (many are or were homeless addicts or ended up in jail), social workers and medical doctor Gabor Maté. I liked the way doctor Maté described addictions: as coping mechanisms, rather than genetic disorders. This film is mind and heart opening, informative and profoundly human. I encourage you to watch it as soon as you can!

I believe that trauma informed society is a healthier society, where we tackle root cause of many issues like drugs, consumerism, or workaholism.

Addictions (including emotional co-dependency), according to Gabor Maté, numb inner pain, caused mostly by childhood difficult experiences (trauma). They provide temporary relief, yet they bring along many challenges: financial, relational, and health-wise. To better understand this concept, watch this short video entitled “How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction”.

The only way OUT is IN. The solution lies within your own heart. When supressed emotions come to the surface, you’ll learn how to be with them, instead of going away and searching relief via your usual coping mechanisms. You’ll learn how to be in touch with your body, heart and soul. You’ll learn how to love yourself. All parts of your unique being: the bad, the good and the ugly (according to your own judgment).

Being supported by a professional therapist is vital. They will hold a safe space for you to reconnect with yourself, express what needs to be expressed, learn from it and release it. It’s a deep process, simple yet not easy. It requires trust, commitment and courage. And it’s worth it.

And you, what are you supressing? What parts of you are yearning for your love and need a voice? Become radically honest with yourself. What is alive in you here and now? How do you feel? When did you feel this for the first time? Does this come from your childhood?

Someone wise once said: “the issues are in our tissues”. Supressed emotions stay in our bodies. Expressing and releasing old emotions (we have layers and layers of these, at least me!), frees our bodies. It’s a path to true liberation. And no, once on this journey, you won’t become a monk and experience only peace and joy. Rather you’ll become more human and more connected to your heart and body. You’ll feel more. You’ll become more vulnerable but also stronger. You’ll learn that expressing your feelings is a skill, act of courage and that it’s worth it.

Below you’ll find a poem that I wrote after watching the film. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

Being present to yourself is an act of self-love. Wishing you peace and courage to express what is alive in you! Day in and day out!


Street Art, Paris

Your greatest teachers

The way you cope is beautiful
How you deal with your suffering
Touches me deeply
It feels somehow familiar
We’re all in this together
We’re human species – not machines
There’s no shame
There’s much more space and strength in your heart
Then you think

Your pain does not make you a bad person
You have the right to suffer and the right to heal
Your trauma created a persona
But it’s not the real you
You’re pure, innocent and invincible

Allow life to guide you
Wake up – become radically honest
Do not disconnect anymore
Take one tiny step in the right direction
Trust the process
Go within

Show up for yourself and your kids
They will suffer for sure, c’est la vie
So you’d better teach them
How to embrace their humanity
How not to resist the pain anymore
But rather hold it, hear it, be with it
So that it’s processed and digested fully

This is food for the soul
And nourishment for the heart
Pain and trauma are your greatest teachers
They’ll keep coming back
Until you finally decide to listen

So don’t waist a second
Time’s up
Breathe in, breathe out
Welcome your emotional, vulnerable and bodily nature
Connect with the part of you who needs your love
Mother yourself, be the father you wanted so badly

The hurt and the cure lie both within
You hold the keys to your own prison
Open the door and leap in the dark
The universe will catch you
Let the sun defrost your past
You don’t need to repeat the cycle anymore

And yes, it’s a journey that never ends
So enjoy it and be brave
Trust your inner wisdom
The next step is all you need
Remember – you are a life’s playground
She explores, experiments and discovers herself through you

What remains when resentment, rage and regrets are finally purged?
When the energy is released, cleared and honoured?
Your unique light shines brighter than ever
No longer afraid of your own shadow
You become whole again
This is the sweet perfume of your essence
This is presence

Street Art, Paris (again!)

“If one has courage, nothing can dim the light which shines from within.“

Maya Angelou

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, please consult your healthcare provider, prior to using any of the tips mentioned in the article.

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This time again – my birthday!

« The birth of all things is weak and tender; and therefore we should have our eyes intent on beginnings. » ~ Michel de Montaigne


Hola la familia! 25th of October was my birthday. So grateful for all the lovely wishes, it made me feel loved and special! 😀 I had a delicious dinner and lots of extraordinary red wine with 2 beautiful ladies. Ah! These few past days were intense, both cheerful and challenging. Full moon played its role here, I guess! As every year, it is now time to wrap up, celebrate and make space for the new!

Life is short and a gift that we unpack, create and allow daily. I have my ups and downs, at times I feel vulnerable, overstressed or lonely, but with age (it really sounds like I am getting older!), I feel so much more at peace with myself, others and life itself. I have dreams and a clear direction. I am in love and learning to love deeply and well (this one may take me a few life times!).

I am grateful for sweet presence of beautiful and inspiring people around me. I like my job, most of the time, typically after 10 am when my brain starts to wake up! 😀 I feel supported by friends, family and wise people who I call, when trouble comes. I learn new things every day. I know what makes me feel alive and I try to do it often: dance, movement, art, poetry, music, languages (Arabic and Spanish – may God grant me with patience and discipline to learn them slowly but surely!), nurturing open interactions, travel and spiritual inquiries!

I try to keep balance between some sort of positive routine (security – yes, I need you!) and being spontaneous, adventurous and a little crazy (I got it after my one and only mum). Revolutions are not part of my temper but I can feel in my bones that something is waking up and this New Year will bring some fresh new stuff. Curious what will come my way. I have some ideas, but it is better not to know, surprises are good. 😀

Recently, when I had an intense, sad and a desperate lonely moment, I promised myself to listen to my soul (sounds strange, but this is what came up!). When it feels right in my heart, then it is probably the best thing to do. Please wish me courage. Vive la folie douce! Love to all of you. And love to me too, indeed, joyful gentle love is the best soul food available in store, à volonté, olé! 😀

Please see below a poem I wrote recently. I value space and emptiness more and more. They are so pure and liberating, hope you will enjoy!



« I have a great curiosity to see new things, but not to own them. It’s very peaceful this way, and one of the nice things about getting older. » ~ Lee Radziwill


South of Spain.

Miss emptiness

I fear you
I honour you
I want you
Please feel welcome
Come, come, come to me
Be my guest
Or rather allow me to be yours
For a brief cup of tea
Let me feel
Your freedom
Lightness of being
Innocence of now


Take everything
Remove all the layers
Wants, desires, fears, attachments
Labels, illusions and aspirations
Put everything to the sacred fire
Let it burn, burn, burn
Let it go, go, go
So that I can simply be
In this vast spaciousness
In this pure openness
In here and now


I am on my way home
Leaving my suitcase behind
No keys, no wallet, no passport
I am naked and my heart is open
Ready to jump into the abyss
Of no-thing
I am afraid – deep down
I know that life will catch me
I trust you miss emptiness
You are so dense with life
Your dance is so full of light
You are breathing yourself in and out
In an endless wind of joy


Blue sky. Poland.

« My witness is the empty sky. » ~ Jack Kerouac

Belleville. Paris.

 “One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: life is really a great cosmic laughter.” ~ Osho

Art in Paris.

 “Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand, relax. If you relax it comes, if you relax it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.” ~ Osho


My lovely sisters and I. Poland.

 “Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.” ~ Osho

Nice sound to finish with. I love it. It feels like warm sunny wind on my skin and make me want to travel far away! 😀


Thank you! Feel free to share and let me know your thoughts!


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L’interview Skype avec Nina Caniac – praticienne en hypnose de soin quantique de Dolores Cannon

« Vous avancez parmi ces choses pour voir que c’est en vous que le choix réside, cela doit se produire en vous. C’est en vous que vous faites votre nouvelle ou votre ancienne Terre. Afin de créer votre réalité comme vous la voulez. » – Dolores Cannon


Hola Amigos !

J’ai la joie de partager avec vous une nouvelle interview avec une belle personne inspirante !

Ancienne illustratrice des livres pour enfants, Nina Caniac pratique aujourd’hui l’hypnose de soin quantique de Dolores Cannon (QHHT). Elle s’est aussi formée à l’hypnose d’introspection d’Aurelio Mejía. Elle ne cesse d’approfondir ses compétences et commence à créer sa propre méthode de thérapie. Elle déborde d’énergie, irradie la bienveillance et est persuadée que « la peur n’est qu’une illusion qui empêche d’avancer ».

Regardez la vidéo en ayant le cœur et l’esprit ouverts, nous parlons extra-terrestres, vies antérieures, jeunes versus vieilles âmes, anges, etc. La spiritualité est un sujet intime et chacun possède son système de croyances qui lui est propre. L’objectif de cette interview est de vous présenter la vision originale de Nina. Vous pouvez aussi le percevoir comme une métaphore. En effet, de nombreux exemples tirés de ses séances d’hypnose sont un résultat d’un dialogue que ses clients entretiennent avec leur moi profond/subconscient, dans un état modifié de conscience.

Ayant fait une séance avec Nina, tout au début de son parcours de praticienne d’hypnose, je peux témoigner : ce que j’ai vu m’a surprise, touchée et ouvert le cœur. Et je ne sais toujours pas quoi en penser ! Mais est-ce réellement important ? La vie est un grand mystère et heureusement. Enfin, tout « voyage » dans la dimension inconsciente et irrationnelle de notre être a un objectif bien pragmatique : nous permettre d’avoir des clefs pour être plus en paix avec nous-mêmes et les autres, vivre bien ici et maintenant, s’ancrer dans le corps et oser ouvrir son cœur un peu plus chaque jour. Je vous laisse découvrir !


Voici la trame de l’interview :

  1. Parle-nous de ton parcours. Comment tu es devenue praticienne de l’hypnose de soin quantique (QHHT) ?
  2. Comment s’est passée ta transition entre le métier d’illustratrice et ta vocation de praticienne de QHHT ?
  3. En quoi consiste la méthode de QHHT – restrictions, pour qui, etc. ?
  4. Les étapes d’une séance d’hypnose selon la méthode QHHT.
  5. Est-ce qu’on se souvient de ce qui s’est passé lors d’une séance ou non ?
  6. Idée reçue sur l’hypnose : « je n’ai aucun contrôle sur ce qui se passe – je risque de me faire manipuler » – vrai ou pas ?
  7. Si je reste conscient pendant la séance, ça veut dire que l’hypnose n’a pas marché ?
  8. Si je suis très cérébral, je n’arriverai pas à lâcher prise donc rentrer dans l’hypnose ?
  9. Quelles personnes viennent vers toi et avec quels types de questions ? Exemples de transformations.
  10. Comment les sujets abordés ont évolué ? Moins de travail sur les vies passées et plus de reconnexion à soi ici et maintenant.
  11. Jeunes et vielles âmes – qu’est-ce que tu en penses ?
  12. « Petits nouveaux » – les personnes qui ont moins de 10 vies sur Terre.
  13. Le rôle des « petits nouveaux » / la génération qui arrive.
  14. Evolution de la Terre – nous vivons des temps intéressants, c’est un privilège d’être ici !
  15. Santé est une décision. L’hypnose permet de comprendre la cause de la maladie et son message donc de guérir.
  16. Pour faire un travail sur soi – il vaut mieux être seul ou en couple ?
  17. Tu es en train de développer ta propre méthode – parles-en un peu !
  18. Où est-ce qu’on peut trouver les informations sur toi, ta méthode, comment te contacter ?
  19. Un message/un dernier mot à ceux qui nous regardent ?


« Nul besoin de croire dans les vies intérieures, l’histoire vécue en hypnose peut nous servir d’une belle métaphore. » – Nina Caniac

Préférences de Nina :

  • Citation : « La peur n’est qu’une illusion qui empêche d’avancer » – auteur inconnu
  • Livre : « Le conte chaud et doux des chaudoudoux » – livre pour enfants de Claude Steiner (avec un beau message qui plaira aussi aux adultes !)
  • Film : série « Sense8 » (la bande-annonce donne des frissons !)

Pour aller plus loin :

« La réalité n’est qu’une illusion, bien que très tenace. » – Albert Einstein

Curieuse de savoir…

  1. Qu’est-ce que cela vous inspire ?
  2. Quelles sont vos expériences des états modifiés de conscience/l’hypnose ?


Merci de votre feedback e à très bientôt !

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Commitment or somewhere between trust and let go

« Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. » ~ Walt Whitman

I wrote the below piece some time ago. It still touches me deeply. My relationship with commitment is ambiguous. I am full of paradoxes. I want to build, I want long term goals, stability and, at the very same time, I cherish freedom, spontaneity and space for new adventures. I celebrate life exactly as it is here and now and I aim high, both for myself and others. Needless to say it is a little bit chaotic from time to time! 🙂 Playing with this complexity is a tricky game. Balance is a myth. We are all work in progress. As long as we grow, move forward and make adjustments, all is fine. I have no answers or tips. I believe life is a mystery and we all learn through experience rather than intellect. Before, I was trying to stop the pain, hide from the darkness that I could sense coming from a big black hole inside me. Now, I let myself go more and more. I trust the process, my guts and my vulnerability. Thanks God there is dance, music, sun, wind, daylight, water, poetry, art, laughter and warm hearts around me. And there is chocolate. Someone has planned the whole experience pretty well. 🙂

“Love so deeply that even the darkness feels welcomed.” ~ Rune Lazuli


Somewhere between trust and let go

I feel grateful and at peace.
It is good to be committed to a relationship, a job or a company.
It is good to be committed to one’s own growth, desires, needs, projects, dreams and hopes.
It is good to be committed to oneself, to here and now, to life.
Not for as to control, possess or improve.
But to grow, nurture, accept and thus fully enjoy, celebrate and cherish.
The one and only thing that will occur for sure is change.
So let’s appreciate what happens to us now. It shall pass.
So let’s commit, in spite of uncertainty, without attachment to a specific result, just for the sake of love.
So let’s move gently with the flow, and enjoy the now, and the new.
So let’s have some fun, even though there will be pain too.
This is the price of living passionately.
This is the price of commitment.
And there will be sweet and spicy surprises too.
We have come full circle. The vicious or the virtuous one?
A matter of perspective.


“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” ~ Osho


“This is going to sound crazy. Say yes to everything. Accept all offers. Go along with the plan. Support someone else’s dream. Say « yes »; « right »; « sure »; « I will »; « okay »; « of course »; « YES! » Cultivate all the ways you can imagine to express affirmation. When the answer to all questions is yes, you enter a new world, a world of action, possibility, and adventure.” ~ Patricia Ryan Madson


“Love me when I am rain, hold me when I am fire.” ~ Rune Lazuli

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I don’t need you (to)

Dear Friends,

Long time no speak, happy to be back and wising you All a lovely 2018!

Please see below a poem and a few quotes from Rune Lazuli, a young female poet whose words go straight to my heart, she is so inspiring and I love her bitter sweet, authentic style. She is on Instagram and Facebook. You may want to check out her work!

Best Wishes and have fun! 😀




I don’t need you (to)

I don’t need you to be perfect

I find it sexy when you do not know

How to answer my stubborn questions

I find it charming when you doubt

And show your scars

I don’t want long-term promises

Or big beautiful words

I want patience

I want presence

I want prayer

I want commitment to here and now

And authentic joyful

Bitter-sweet chaos

I don’t search for a perfect equation

I accept uncertainty

Provided that there is aliveness

That there is movement

That there is total acceptance

And an open heart, especially when it hurts

I want us to blossom somewhere

In between right or wrong

Black or white

In the graceful clumsy dance

Of two souls

Who accidentally looked into each other’s eyes


“Your strength is measured in your ability to smile.” ~ Rune Lazuli


“To be a poet is to be wildly vulnerable.

It is to comfortably reveal your most violent scars.”

Rune Lazuli


“The way in which you choose to heal is beautiful.” ~ Rune Lazuli

“We are the granddaughters of the witches they were not able to burn.” ~ Unknown

To finish with style, one of my favourite songs ever, enjoy! 😉

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Where I come from (!!)

“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” ~ Alan Alda

My home city – Warsaw. Poland.

To everyone who has ever left something dear to their heart

I welcomed your first scream
First breath
First look into your parents’ eyes
Filled with joy and wonder
I taught you how to write, read and count (on yourself)
I nourished you and sang you sweet lullabies
So that you could enter the kingdom of colourful soft dreams
You grew beautifully under my wings
You fell in love for the first time
You suffered and became stronger
You discovered deep blue sea and enjoyed its powerful fresh waves
You looked in awe at the most magnificent
Mountains covered with vibrant autumn leaves
I offered you your first job opportunity
And put excellent teachers on your path
Who ignited passion for foreign lands and languages

And then you abandoned us
To pursue joy abroad
You betrayed both your ancestors and I
You left your parents’ comfortable home
And were gone, once and for all
Into the wild and gorgeous (oh là là) land
“I am sorry” – you say somewhat sad
Even though you owe me every-single-thing
And will never repay your debts
My little sweetheart
As long as there is spark in your eyes
And fire in your belly
As long as you love intensely
And carry me in your heart
With humble gratitude
You have my blessings
I gave you roots and wings
So please use both wisely
And travel foolishly if this is your soul’s calling
Remember to call your parents
Not only when you are lost or sad
You naughty nomadic curious spirit

I will always be there for you
Like an old beautiful peaceful tree
You are welcome any time
To rest in my arms and whisper your stories
With your funny foreign accent and weird wording



“Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness.” ~ Vernon Baker

View from my parents’ house. Warsaw.

“In a forest of a hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are alike. And no two journeys along the same path are alike.” ~ Paulo Coelho

Countryside near my grandparents’ house.

“All our wisdom is stored in the trees.” ~ Santosh Kalwar

tree of life
Tree of life.

Nice Polish song – old but gold! 😀

Another Polish song – a little more nostalgic – I love it, hope you will enjoy. 😀

If you are unsure, whether to visit Poland, watch the below short video! 😀

More on my home country, please visit and check it on your own!

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L’interview avec Margaux Dewitte, globe-trotteuse optimiste !

Margaux en Cappadoce, Turquie
Source : http://www.serialhikers.com

« L’impulsion du voyage est l’un des plus encourageants symptômes de la vie. » ~ Agnès Repplier

C’est avec joie que je publie un nouvel entretien avec une belle personne inspirante. J’ai croisé Margaux Dewitte dans le cadre de mon activité salariée. Cette jeune femme a tout lâché et a décidé de partir à l’aventure, en direction de l’Australie. Margaux et son copain Julien ont choisi de voyager d’une manière alternative : écologique, économique et en valorisant les rencontres authentiques. Ils ne prennent pas d’avion, à la place : ils prennent tout leur temps pour bien découvrir chaque région. Ils voyagent principalement en auto-stop, logent chez l’habitant et réalisent différentes missions de volontariat tout au long de leur parcours.  A l’heure d’aujourd’hui (décembre 2017), ils ont traversé 1 pays par mois en moyenne (11 pays en tout) et ont dépensé entre 2€ à 4€ par jour et par personne. De quoi  nous faire rêver ! 😀

Nous avons discuté avec Margaux de ses motivations pour partir, sa vision de voyage (quête initiatique!), les diverses missions de volontariats qu’elle a réalisées, les difficultés rencontrées, les avantages et défis de voyager en couple, les précieuses prises de conscience survenues suite à des interactions avec d’autres cultures, la tendance « no make-up », enfin ses projets et futurs destinations.

Voici la trame de l’entretien :

  1. Comment ton voyage a commencé ? Le déclic, la démission, la décision.
  2. Pourquoi es-tu partie ?
  3. Préparatifs – les choses à faire avant le grand départ : bilan de santé, côté administratif, faire son sac.
  4. Comment vous voyagez (4 volets : écologique, économique, humain et lié au temps) ?
  5. Quels sont les modes de voyages que tu ne choisirais pas toi-même ? « Pour toi, voyer n’est pas… »
  6. Quelles sont les missions de volontariat que tu as réalisées ?
  7. Quelles sont les difficultés que vous avez rencontrées et comment vous les avez dépassées ?
  8. Voyager en couple – avantages et défis. L’accident en Bosnie-Herzégovine.
  9. Le meilleur souvenir de ton voyage.
  10. La mixité en France : certes, un grand défi, mais surtout une source d’inspiration et de richesse.
  11. Qu’est-ce que le voyage a changé dans ta vie : ta vision des choses, tes habitudes, etc . ?
  12. Quelle est ta prochaine destination et pour quand le prochain départ ?
  13. Allez-vous changer quelque chose dans votre manière de voyager, suite à votre dernière expérience ?
  14. Est-ce que tu veux ajouter quelque chose / laisser un message à ceux qui nous regardent ?
  15. Où est-ce qu’on peut trouver les informations sur votre voyage, comment rester en contact ?
  16. L’évènement auquel Margaux participe – Traveler On Stage #7 – le 6 décembre 2017 à Paris, lieu : Le Hasard Ludique.

Petite Margaux

 « Voyager, c’est grandir. C’est la grande aventure. Celle qui laisse des traces dans l’âme. » ~ Marc Thiercelin

Margaux et Julien attendent une voiture
Source : http://www.serialhikers.com

« Comme tout ce qui compte dans la vie, un beau voyage est une œuvre d’art. » ~ André Suarès

Pour mieux connaître Margaux :

  • Ses citations préférées :

« Voyager est la seule chose qu’on achète qui nous rend plus riche. » ~ Auteur inconnu

« L’être humain perd sa santé à gagner de l’argent et par la suite, il perd son argent à se refaire une santé. Il pense au futur, au point d’oublier le présent, de sorte qu’il ne vit ni dans le présent, ni dans le futur. Finalement, il vit comme s’il n’allait jamais mourir et il meurt comme s’il n’avait jamais vécu… » ~ Dalaï Lama

  • Son livre préféré : « 1984 » de George Orwell
  • Son film préféré : « Inception » de Christopher Nolan (pour son analyse fine de la manipulation, les paysages et la bande sonore)
  • Ses plats préférés : les fromages français, l’ajvar serbe (délicieuse purée de poivrons sucrés typique des Balkans, à étaler sur du pain ou en accompagnement de plat) et les mezzés grecs (tous sans exception!)
  • Page web de Margaux Dewitte & Julien Espaze – « Tour du Monde alternatif en stop »


Si vous avez apprécié l’interview, cela peut également vous intéresser :

Contenus créés par Margaux et  Julien :
Volontariats :
  • Un réseau mondial mettant en relation des voyageurs prêts à donner un coup de main avec des hôtes qui ont besoin d’aide pour leurs projets ou leurs activités.
  • Une plateforme de mise en relation des voyageurs avec des hôtes (hébergement et nourriture contre de l’aide, principalement dans des fermes) ;
  • Woofing – travail bénévole dans une ferme biologique.
A lire sur mon blog, sur le même sujet :
  • L’article où j’ai décrit le voyage au pays de mes ancêtres et en Cappadoce (le temps était très limité, mais l’expérience inoubliable !) ;
  • L’article où je parle de mon voyage en Afrique (Sénégal) qui m’a chamboulée.
Autres :
  • Traveler On Stage #7 – évènement auquel Margaux a participé –  elle y a fait un discours sur son expérience de voyage (le 6 décembre 2017 à Paris 18e, lieu : Le Hasard Ludique)
  • Site internet offrant un service d’hébergement temporaire et gratuit, entre particuliers.
  • La tendance no make-up soutenue par certaines chanteuses, comme par exemple : Alicia Keys, qui a décidé de ne plus porter de maquillage.


Pour finir, je vous propose d’apprécier une courte vidéo réalisée par Margaux et Julien, relatant leur séjour en Turquie. Les images, la musique – tout est beau, lumineux, magique, découvrez par vous-mêmes !

Comme toujours, merci de votre visite, vos partages et commentaires ; à très vite, until then – have FUN! 😀

Lire la suite

Bittersweet transitions

“To exist is to dare to throw oneself into the world.” ~ Simone de Beauvoir


Life is seasonal, impermanent and unpredictable. Simple and obvious, yet not always easy! I wrote this poem some time ago, while I was going through a transition phase. Back to square one: more changes are ahead of me! I feel happy-sad, grateful and curious. I trust that life will bring me more beautiful surprises and that the best is yet to come. Or rather: the best and only way is to enjoy here and now to the fullest, until you feel the urge to move again. It is like a dance, shall we? 😀


“I love rainstorms… the thunder, lightning, wind, all of it. So much going on at once, so many emotions… just like me.” ~ April Mae Monterrosa


In between moments

When you leave xyz behind
Saying “merde” and “merci”
(or the other way round)
And slowly but surely
You open the door
To the wild emptiness
Where there is no thing
Only nothing
Pure being
No projects, no intention, no tension
Joyful, unpredictable NOW
Some wishes and hopes
Loosely attached to your open heart
You let yourself be burned
By the caring transition fire
And then you allow the fresh shower of sorrow
To cool you down a little
You clean, declutter and surrender
You have no choice
But to jump in trust
Eyes wide open
You are ready
To let the old go
And slowly let the new
Sink in nicely
You can rest now
And have a soft
(Or a hard) drink*
You simply are
Experiencing, expressing and allowing

*Let’s say Polish vodka!


“Honour the space between no longer and not yet.” ~ Nancy Levin


As always – BIG thank you for reading, sharing and for your precious feedback! 😀

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The trip – from Vilnius to Istanbul!

Paris -> Vilnius ->Eišiškės ->Trakai -> Kapadokya ->Istanbul -> Paris

« Before you cross the street take my hand. Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. » ~ John Lennon – Beautiful Boy

Happy mailbox in Vilnius, Užupis.

This was THE trip: 11 days, 5+ cities, 5 flights, 8 kg of luggage, a small cabin backpack and nearly the same outfit during the whole trip (too chilly to dress like a queen haha). For me, it was one BIG adventure. 😀 I was scared to death before leaving my cosy Parisian apartment as I have never travelled alone for more than a few days and without a full plan. I still cannot believe that I did it! What happened was magic and it was the best present I could have hoped for. I feel lucky and grateful.

Lithuania – back to the source.

« Life is more beautiful than prudence » ~ Abbé Pierre

Lithuania, Eišiškės – so green and peaceful.

My journey started in charming and green Vilnius – city of angels who fly at low altitude and (of course!) high speed. My goal was to learn more about my roots.

I rented a car and travelled to the city where my dad was born – Eišiškės. I made a tour of the village, asking questions, meeting locals and searching for a distant cousin or at least some more information on my dad’s childhood. One encounter leading to another, I finally end up in a small house, sitting on a couch with a lovely old couple. The lady’s mom’s maiden name was the same as my dad’s surname. I was a total stranger to them, coming out of the blue, but they treated me like their own daughter, gave me a big-long-warm hug and a kiss. They patiently answered all my questions, showed me a few family pictures and wished me the best of luck for the rest of my trip. I felt honoured and welcome.

I also (finally) understood the meaning of my surname. Indeed, in Poland, where I was born it sounds awkward. In Lithuania, however, it carries a sense. A deep one, haha. “Be dugno” means “without bottom” and “bedugnė” translates into “an abyss”. Hmm, let’s jump in, shall we?! 😀

I even learned (totally by accident!) that there was a village called “Bedugnė”, 60 km from Eišiškės. I did not go there, next time! Who knows, maybe my father’s family comes from there?

I also travelled to Trakai, a pleasant town near Vilnius, famous for its beautiful lakes and a castle. Is also known for the Karaims – people speaking the Turkic language, who have lived there since the 14th century and have preserved their traditions, including food. The most popular dish is kibinai – a small pasty stuffed with minced meat or vegetables. I tried it, of course! It offered me a perfect foretaste of my imminent trip to Turkey.

My stay in « the Jerusalem of the North » was a real treat! I tasted 3 totally different beetroot soups in 2 days, ate the best pancakes ever, drank delicious local beer, discussed about life, sang polish folkloric songs and was touched to tears by a beautiful poem of a lovely Ukrainian artist and graphic designer, who was in love with Vilnius and kind enough to be my companion and private paparazzi during my trip to Eišiškės. Arita, you rock!

Lithuania smelled, tasted and felt home, ačiū and hope to be back soon!

Turkey – from Kapadokya to Istanbul.

“And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” ~ Erica Jong

Somewhere above Turkey.

Turkey was a totally different story. I started my trip by booking a domestic flight to Kapadokya, a historical region in Central Anatolia known for its unique rock-cut temples, houses, beautiful valleys and underground cities. I stayed in a pleasant hotel near Göreme, recommended by Moroccan Nomad – very good travel website in French.

My dream was to participate in a hot-air balloon flight. I did it! At first, it was scary. Indeed, the balloon itself is HUGE, the basket, on the other hand, is pretty small and you fly high! Hopefully I was not totally conscious of the danger as they woke me up at 4 am. However, I fully trusted the pilot as I had a competent local guide who recommended a good company and offered a very competitive price. Teşekkür, Umut, yourself and your wife made my stay in Kapadokya relaxing and enjoyable, not to mention the delicious food!

I visited a few valleys and the Derinkuyu underground city. It felt so peaceful and liberating to see real open landscapes, instead of a casual open space in my office, regardless of how high tech and well-designed it is. Eating a breakfast on a sunny terrace with a view was priceless!

The next and final stop was Istanbul. I visited Hagia Sophia (under reconstruction, yet still impressive!), the Blue Mosque and the Galata Mawlavi House Museum. This is the oldest Mawlavi house in Istanbul or a temple for Islamic Sufi believers, also known as tall hatted Whirling Dervishes. Sadly, I did not see an authentic Whirling Dervish dance performance. Next time in Turkey I will make sure to come to Konya to check it out! I so much enjoy visiting sacred places, in both Vilnius and Istanbul there were plenty of them.

That being said, while in Istanbul, I also went to the business district, where I had a lunch with my colleagues. Video conferences are good, but face to face meetings are better! I proudly used my access card to enter the local office. I also grabbed a snack from the pantry. 😀

During the whole travel, I came across many great free spirits from all walks of life. The people I met and the time spent together made this trip truly memorable. I learned so much. It opened my eyes and gave me a fresh and totally new outlook on my current situation (which is pretty good, thanks, God!).

I took every possible mean of transportation (ships rock!). I walked like crazy, climbed every hill and entered every cave I could (the more difficult it was the better!). I enjoyed delicious food and drinks in charming company. I went to Turkish baths (unique experience, especially the bubble wash!). I laughed so much, I felt like a joyful, adventurous child discovering the world for the very first time.

Parisian jungle – going back home.

« The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. » ~ Marcel Proust

Parisian street art.

Coming back to work was not that bad. My Italian boss knows how to talk to me: “you were missed”. Oh, merci! I am very grateful to have a decent and interesting job so that I can spoil myself with such magic moments. Actually, I will need to check, but it did not cost that much. I mainly stayed in youth hostels (Downtown Forest & Orient) and had very good prices, especially in Turkey where people currently travel much less due to political reasons. 🙁 I can only say that I felt safe and had no issues at all, except being invited to every single restaurant I was passing near to, as, of course; it was absolutely the best in town and I could expect a special personal discount! 🙂

Words cannot express the joy, freedom and peace I felt during this trip. I was touched many times by the beauty of nature, architecture and people’s stories. I connected to the wild, adventurous and brave part of myself. I am a nomad. We all are. We are not meant to stay in front of the same screen, regardless of how high-tech and big it is, for 10+ years, checking e-mails and resolving tickets (those who work in big companies will understand!). Again, I am very grateful to be a part of an international team in a solid firm that offers great opportunities. Yet, my soul yearns for fresh air, new experiences, adventures and surprises. While looking back at this short and intense trip, I would not change a thing; maybe, I could only be a bit braver, crazier and trusted life and people even more? I consider myself curious and sociable; however, I am still learning to have both my heart and mind open to different people, ideas and experiences.

If you hesitate and are afraid of going somewhere new, then it may be the very exact thing you should do. Be alert. Act prudently, especially that sadly terrorist attacks become common in various destinations globally. Gather all the pieces of information you need ahead of time and then simply trust that everything will go right or even better. As it will!




Please find below more pictures from my trip. Enjoy, thanks for reading, sharing and your precious feedback!


Vilnius – city of angels who fly at low altitude and the lovely car that we rented.


Vilnius, shop window – self-portrait. 😀


Eišiškės – my happy face, while waiting for some guidance to find my distant cousins! Credit goes to Arita Golub.


Eišiškės – the house where I found my distant cousins, it felt incredible.


Vilnius – beetroot soup – delicious and fresh!!


Trakai – its beautiful lake and castle.


Kapadokya – jumping for joy! Credit goes to Talieh Zarab Zadeh, merci, chérie!


Kapadokya, Göreme – food & drinks! Guys – it was great to have you around. 🙂 Credit goes to Talieh Zarab Zadeh.


Kapadokya – hot-air balloon flight, breathing in the space!


Kapadokya – wandering around.


Kapadokya – babouchkas! 😀


Kapadokya – rock-cut temple, one of many.


Istanbul, Orient hostel – view from the rooftop café, ah!


Istanbul at sunset.


Buttes Chaumont, my favourite park in Paris.


Thank you, wishing you safe and magic travels! 😀

Lire la suite

Party time !!


It has been a long time, since my last article!  I wish I had something witty, wise and important to say, but this is it! Hope you will enjoy! 🙂

If it does not match how you presently feel, especially, if you are going through a tough challenge, I am with you, you have my full support.

I am simply sharing my current experience. Expressing my feelings nourishes my soul, makes me joyful and brings me peace.. 🙂

Thank you for passing by.



« The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines. »  ~ Anne Lamott

Party time

What if life was a big joke?

(Be aware – Big Brother is watching you)

What if God had sense of humour?

What if you had a starring role in a comedy movie?

So let’s playfully play fools

And with a light-open heart

Cherish each moment

Let’s pretend we know the script

Let’s have principles and then break all the rules

Let’s boldly play with fate

Have both fun and faith

With a peaceful pinch of craziness

(It is vital for your mental health)

Show must go on so let’s go baby

Put on your best suit and let’s dance

It is your surprise party

It is your stage-time

The audience is waiting

The music is playing

If you feel nervous

Follow my advice

Get a little tipsy or better – really drunk

I promise, it is worth trying

(In case you have never done it)

At some point, by magic

You will start giggling

Without being able to stop

Your laughter will get louder and louder

And will spread like a wildfire

Gently dissolving every obstacle on its way


Finally, one day you will die quietly

You laughed and you loved

It is a happy-sweet-predictable-end

We are all the same

Aren’t we?



Please find below a lovely video from one of my dear masters – Mooji. I love his warm, cheerful energy. Relax, this is not too serious, just enjoy the laughter! Watch out, it is contagious! 🙂


“It doesn’t matter how you pray – with your head bowed in silence, or crying out in grief, or dancing. Churches are good for prayer, but so are garages and cars and mountains and showers and dance floors.” ~ Anne Lamott

P.S. Thanks for reading, sharing, writing a comment and for your precious feedback! 🙂

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